“Tim Ross embodies the seemingly paradoxical combination of authentic gentleness toward people and fierce revolutionary passion toward making a difference. This book will inspire readers to see that gentleness and passion aren’t optional extremes to choose between; instead, they are the necessary ingredients to trigger the real change our world desperately needs.”

Mark Varughese
Senior Leader of Kingdom City
“Authors are everywhere, but voices are extremely rare. Tim Ross is an essential voice perfectly positioned for the day in which we live. And this book?! Let’s just say your neighbors, friends, and family who don’t yet know Jesus will thank you for reading it. Welcome to the Basement is guaranteed to change the way you walk out your walk with Christ.”

Preston Morrison
Senior Pastor of Pillar Church
“Witnessing Tim’s level of consistency over the last two decades has been astonishing. His faithfulness to God and family in tandem with a knowledge of theology shine a light not only to people of the church but also to those outside the church. As you read Welcome to the Basement, you will be elevated to another level of knowing God, knowing your purpose, and knowing your assignment. You will learn that the way up is down—down to the Basement, a place of humility and vulnerability—before you reach a place of elevation.”

Jerome Lewis
Senior Pastor at Seeds of Greatness Church
“Tim Ross is a contemporary incarnation and exciting example of God’s truth! His mission and ministry seem to follow none of the traditional rules and roads to fulfilling the call of God. In Welcome to the Basement Ross reveals the struggle on the pathway climbing down from the mountaintop—or rather the rooftop—of success to basement blessings. Prepare to tour the back stairs ‘down to the basement’ of the center of God’s will.”

Kenneth C. Ulmer
DMin, PhD, Senior Advisor on Community Reconciliation to the President of Biola University
“What if we actually lived out what we shouted about on Sunday mornings? What if we authentically applied what we read in the Bible? What if we consistently loved those who persecuted us and lied to us, and we embraced people who are just searching for God in all the wrong places? We would upset the world! In this book, my mentor, friend, and oversight pastor, Tim Ross, shares practical knowledge and wisdom that I have had the opportunity to experience personally. I believe these truths are the key to shifting our culture and representing Christ to the world.”

Michael Todd
Lead Pastor of Transformation Church
“When did we become so accustomed to the world around us that we forgot to live by the world within us? The world that reflects the Creator we serve? The life that doesn’t fit in but stands out? This book will inspire you to stop blending and start standing. Allow the Holy Spirit to transform you from the inside out, and soon you will find yourself turning the world upside down.”

Charlotte Gambill
Bestselling Author, Speaker, and Lead Pastor of Life Church
“Every time we interact with someone, we make an impression on them. It’s easy to get so caught up in the details of our busy schedules that we forget we are called to share the love of Jesus with every person we come in contact with. In Welcome to the Basement, Tim Ross gives us a beautiful picture of how we can turn someone’s life upside down by showing them who Jesus is. For as long as I’ve known Tim, I’ve admired his heart for all people and his passion to share the message of love and hope that Jesus brings. This book will give you practical ways to be a light to all those around you in your everyday life. I’m so excited for you to get your hands on this book, and I know you’ll be blessed as you read Welcome to the Basement.”

Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Lead Pastor at Vous Church

Welcome To the Basement Tour Dates