Vulnerability is Tim’s superpower. People either trust him because of it or are triggered because of it. Tim teaches people how to embrace being H.O.T. (Honest, Open, Transparent) and live a life that is attractive and authentic.
Tim was sexually abused at 8 years old. He overcame sexual trauma, low self esteem, wounds of abandonment and attachment to become one of the most sought after speakers in both non profit and for profit sectors.
Tim unashamedly loves Jesus and has a very unique way to living, displaying, and sharing his faith. No one can get close to Tim and not notice that there is something VERY different about him.
Tim has a passion for training men and women to become successful leaders through the use of tactical empathy. He’s highly sought after to train executives how to lead from the inside out.
Development & Discipleship
One of Juliette’s passions is to be able to walk along side people and live life with them as much as she can. Mentorship and Discipleship has been a long-standing staple that she has been honored to do throughout the years. Showing people that no matter your situation or circumstance, you have a choice and a freedom to walk in your greater purpose, finding your passion, and faithfully fulfilling it.
Marriage is always a passion topic for Juliette. Being married for 25 years herself has most definitely had its challenges, but it has also had its many blessings. Juliette is in her happy place when she can coach couples to find a healthy and strong anchor to grow from. Desperate couples are often drawn to her for her compassion, safety, and thoughtful nature which creates a safe space for couples to be vulnerable and easily disables their guards around her.
There is one thing Juliette will not do and that is compromise integrity. No matter what she is building, business or ministry wise, she will always strive for excellence. She is an achiever and one who will always reach higher, and work harder. When Juliette executes a vision, it is done with thoughtfulness, worth and distinction. She does not strive for useless perfection, but she strives to be her best every time. And she will always challenge you to go further and be better than you could ever expect to be within your self.
Who loves throwing a party? Juliette does! And when she gets around her girls, that’s what she does, she throws them a party! In a Juliette party, you can expect to laugh, play, cry, share, love and make heartfelt authentic connections with other like-minded women! You may never know what to expect, but you can be guaranteed that number 1) God’s presence and Spirit will be there. 2) If you come with an open heart, God will fill it. And 3) She truly loves you and wants to see fullness of Jesus Christ displayed in your life. Juliette speaks at all kinds of events, conferences and churches, but she really enjoys watching people walk in freedom they didn’t know they could achieve.